Backyard Bird feeding is a hobby that can be done all year round, but keeping bird feeders open for business in winter can be a little daunting. Here are tips and pictures of some popular
Bird Feeders with squirrel baffles doing their job in winter as weather guards.

The first photo is the
Bird Feeder Squirrel Baffle with a
Finch Thistle Tube Bird Feeder. It has plenty of customers with some Goldfinches in their winter grayish-yellow colors and a Junco (on the middle right side). After a snow fall, food can be harder to find and wild birds like to come to feeders for a high energy meal of seeds and suet. Even ground feeding birds come in for the seeds dropped by others at the feeders. This feeder is on a
Squirrel Stopper Pro Pole which blocks the squirrels from climbing the pole and keeps them from getting to any bird feeder hung on it.

The second photo is a
Hanging Baffle Tube Bird Feeder combo of a Steep Slope Baffle and Tube Bird Feeder filled with sunflower seeds. All kinds of birds love sunflower seeds such as Cardinals, Woodpeckers, Titmice, Nuthatches, Chickadees, etc. Here is a pair of Titmouse and a Downy Woodpecker on the bottom. This feeder is hung from a tree so it does double duty of squirrel proofing and weather protection.
Both of the
Bird Feeder Squirrel Baffles shown helps to keep their bird feeder ports open and the seed dry. If there were no baffles above to protect them they would be covered with as much snow as is on the top of their baffles. This might not only block the feeder openings, but if seed gets and stays wet it can become fouled and birds will instinctively not eat it. So, lay out the welcome mat and enjoy backyard wild birds all year long.
so useful information about how to protect bird feeder from squirrel..